Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Korean Drama - Lovers in Prague

Lovers in Prague

Rating: 8.9/10

The Cast:

Jun Do Yun as Yoon Jae-hee
Kim Joo Hyuk as Choi Sang-hyun
Kim Min Joon as Ji Young-woo
Yoon Se Ah as Kim Hye-joo
Lee Jung Gil as Yoon Jung-han
Jung Dong Hwan as Ji Kyung-hwan (Young-woo's father)
Yoon Young Joon as Suh Yoon-kyu
Kim Seung Wook as Hwang Dal-ho (Sang-hyun's partner)
Kim Na Woon as Shin Kwang-ja
Andy (Lee Sun Ho) as Ji Seung-woo (Young-woo's younger half brother)
Jang Geun Suk as Yoon Gun-hee
Kwak Ji Min as Jung Yeon-soo
Ha Jung Woo as Ahn Dong-nam (Jae-hee's bodyguard)
Park Jae Min as Mrs. Young
Won Duk Hyun

About the Drama:

The president's daughter, Yoon Jae-hee (Jun Do-yeon) is a Korean diplomat in Prague. She has only recently recovered from a devastating break up five years earlier with Ji Young-woo (Kim Min-joon), the son of a prominent Korean businessman. Choi Sang-hyun (Kim Joo-hyuk) is a detective who goes to Prague searching for his ex-girlfriend Hye-joo (Yoon Se-ah). Hye-joo broke up with Sang-hyun over the phone from Prague and Sang-hyun cannot accept it.

Sang-hyun meets Jae-hee in Prague and misunderstandings abound. Eventually the two help each other and become friends. When they return to Korea, love blossoms, but their respective ex’s and very different social status put it to the test.


Typical love triangle again....Both the lead actor and actress are not super pretty or handsome...which makes it quite nice since I can still remember it after watching for such a long time....I can not understand why Jae-hee is in such dilemma when she knows that she loves Sang-hyun and he too loves her...May be because of status and culture. I still could not understand why she can not just be with Sang-hyun instead of going through such a long process and end up with him....

Anyway I love it when the guy, Sang-hyun, learns to say "I love you" which is "Mirujite" in Prague (as spelt in the DVD translation I bought, even though it does not seems to be pronounced that way) and sadly when he said it to her the first was not useful enough...LOL...

On the whole its a reasonably nice show....I bought the show cos the I heard from the sales at the shop saying that this is one of the 3 love themed story that the director/producer had purposely made...the other 2 is..."Lover in Paris" and "Lovers" but I found out that the chief producer for this drama is not the producer for "Lovers in Paris" but the producer is the producer of "Lovers in Paris", anyway its not true what ever the sales staff said...sigh....

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