Thursday, December 30, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Meteor Garden

Meteor Garden

Rating: 8.6/10

The Cast:

Barbie Hsu as Shan Cai
Jerry Yan as Dao Ming Si
Vic Chou as Hua Ze Lei
Vanness Wu as Mei Zuo Ling
Ken Chu as Xi Men

About the Drama:

Shan Cai is a hardworking, tough girl who always defends the weak.

Dao Ming Si is stubborn, hot headed leader of F4.

Hua Ze Lei is a soft spoken and kind boy who's opinion Si relies on the most.

Mei Zuo Ling is a fun loving playboy who is very loyal to his group of friends.

Xi Men is the other playboy of F4 and close to Zuoling.

The story centers on a plain and poor teenage girl called Shan Cai, who goes to a university for rich people. She did not want to go to this university but was forced upon her by her parents. Worst part is that the family had to work very hard to be able to afford her studies there. The university is dominated by a gang of handsome but arrogant students called F4, who are the heirs of the most influential families in Taiwan.

In the beginning, Dao Ming Si, the gang leader, he is distrustful of everyone but his three childhood friends. He thinks money can solve anything. Dao Ming Si hates Shan Cai so much that he gives everyone in the university orders to make her life miserable. However, Shan Cai's persistence gradually gains Si's respect and later he falls in love with her. Like many other TV series, the lovers end up getting together after going through a series of painful challenges.

Shan Cai at first likes Lei, and totally hates Dao Ming Si, especially for his horrible arrogance and bully character but then starts to have feelings for him eventually. As her life gets tougher, she just keeps enduring, earning the respect of all the F4 boys.


After watching the Korean version, Boys over Flowers, I went and immediately bought the Taiwan version of it. To my dismay it is not as good as what my friends had said about. But you have to understand, they have watched this like years ago. I guess at that time, it should be considered a good drama.

I would say that the plot etc is good since it is from the same Japanese comic book, however the style and also the environment is not as grand as the Korean one. I guess I will have to watch the Japanese version before I can compare all 3 of them.

Barbie is fine at her part, unfortunately, Jerry Yan can’t act.

One most impressive scene of the whole drama is when Dao Ming Si's mother asked Shan Cai to go and do a performance on stage thinking to embarass her. I loved the part where she just slamed so hard on the piano and acted like she did not know how to play the instrument. Then she followed by telling the audience:

A philosopher once said...women, dazzling diamonds and glittering jewllery have won you illusory majesty..but what's left around you is only snobbish poison, the odour of arrogance and alluring but fatal fragrance

Women, when you once again salute wealth, hail to fame and extol power, please do not ask about hte thrush which sang to you. It has flown away from you...because it has sung itself hoarse.

Its golden voice has perished, for the sake of its real dignified and pure soul.

She ends with saying:
Does the status of a person, whether they are superior or lowly depend on the playing of a tune? (sub titled as Does the nature of a person's soul depend on the playing of a tune?)

Or does it depend on his family background? So what if a person wears branded stuff and plays the piano? This is the only tune I can play. But so what?

Love this scene the most!!! Extremely impressive and sensible way of saying.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Korean Drama - Boys Over Flowers

Korean Drama - Boys Over Flowers

Rating: 9.8/10


Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di
Lee Min Ho as Goo Joon Pyo
Kim Hyun Joong as Yoon Ji Hoo
Kim Bum as So Yi Jung
Kim Joon as Song Woo Bin

About the Drama

Korean drama " Boys Over Flower" based on a hit Japanese comic. Based on the comic series of the same name by Yoko Kamio, it has been made into a live TV series in Japan, Taiwan (Meteor Garden) and even Anime.

The names adepted here is very much different from the comic/Japanese/Taiwan TV series. Geum Jandi (who is supposed to be Makino Tsukushi) a girl-next-door who gets herself tangled up in a relationship with a rich and stubborn boy, and her life takes a turn as she gets involved with him and his friends, or F4.

Goo Hye-seon (Jan-di)
Jan-di is a commoner whose family owns a dry cleaning store located near the luxurious and well known Shin Hwa College. She is a swimmer of her school which doesn’t even have a swimming pool. One day, she visits Shin-hwa high school, where the top 1% of the wealthy children gets to go, and accidentally saves a student from a suicidal attempt. After this incident, she is scouted to this prestigious school as a swimming athlete. The school itself and the students who go there do not suit her taste, but Jan-di bears the problematic circumstances, as her parents wish her to get close to the rich. She happens to step out for her classmate who is being bullied by four boys, called F4, and gets the ‘Red Card’. As the whole school starts bulling Jan-di, she unexpectedly meets Ji-hu on the stairway. She bumps into Ji-hu, but later Jun-pyo shows his feeling for her and their relationship gets tangled. Will the love triangle disrupt F4 and change their lives forever?

Lee Min-ho (Joon-pyo)
The leader of F4 and the heir of the largest conglomerate in Korea. Raised by servants, instead of busy parents, Jun-pyo’s got the world there is nothing that can not be done. Growing up as the son of the rich family, he has gone through numerous of kidnapping, terror attempt. He is a master of martial arts and self defense skills, but avoids swimming because he experienced drowning when he was kidnapped. His older sister, Jun-hee, is the one who he afraids the most. Ironically, Jun-pyo falls in love with Jandi, who reminds him of his sister. Jun-pyo’s got natural curly hair, hot-tempered, but has an innocent heart. Although he can fluently speak 5 languages, he shows weakness on common sense and Korean vocabulary. Jun-pyo has simple and straight personality and relies upon intuition more rather than being rationalized. He is pure at heart in front of a girl he likes, so he gets hurt when he figures out Jan-di likes Ji-hu, his closest friend among F4.

Kim Hyun-jeong (Ji-hoo)
The grandson of the formal president of Korea, Dr. Yoon Seok-young, and the most attractive guy among F4. Ji-hu is the heir of Su-am Cultural Foundation, Art Center, and Orchestra own by his family, and also a musician. He lost his parents at age of five when he got into a car accident. He overcomes the hardness with his first love, Seo-hyeon. Ji-hu believes that she would be his last love but he can’t get to her completely. Jan-di is the one who encouraged him when he was hesitant to get close to Seo-hyeon. With Jan-di’s support, Ji-hu follows Seo-hyeon to France, but comes back after he realized that his feeling for her was admiration, not love. Ji-hu does not show concern for others, knows what he wants to do, and never sweeps along with others. After Ji-hu becomes a friend with Jan-di, his personality starts to change and conflicts between love and friendship.

Kim Beom (So I-jeong)

The gifted potter and the successor of the prestigious family. Although Yi-jung has gained reputation for his talent for ceramics, he cannot take away the feeling that he is living a life of his brother. Yi-jung’s older brother, who was exceptionally talented and expected to become the heir, left home and also quit working with ceramics. Yi-jung was possessed by a sense of inferiority and this complex made him couldn’t settle down with one love. He is a playboy, but gentle and warm-hearted. Although he didn’t realize about himself yet, Yi-jung is desperately looking for his one true love.


Totally love this show...the settings, the actors, the actresses and also the school uniforms!

Someone once told me that Koreans are the best actors and actresses, they can show how a person can cry beautifully. Yes! Jandi () she can really cry beautifully.

I love the last episode the most, the part where she tried her best to win back her destiny. Epic!

The actors and actresses really puts in a lot of effort to make this show a sucessful one...actors and actresses are losing weight, lacking sleep and not eating right due to their popularity. Cast members like Lee Minho, Kim Hyun Joong and Goo Hye Sun all have noticeably lost weight.

Lee Minho has lost 8kg (around 18 pounds) and Kim Hyun Joong has lost about 6kg (around 13 pounds) since production began. The agency is working to provide nutritional supplements and keep the cast well-fed but it’s still not enough. Kim Hyun Joong’s back injury from his car accident still ails him and he suffers from fatigue. Goo Hye Sun suffered a head injury during filming and was hospitalized for her injuries from a car accident not too long ago.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Momo Love

Momo Love / 桃花小妹

Rating: 8.9/10

The Cast:

Jiro Wang as Shi Lang 史朗
Cyndi Wang as Chen Tao Hua 陳桃花
Ken Zhu as Chen Qi 陳起
Lan Jun Tian as Chen Cheng 陳承
Ding Chun Cheng as Chen Zhuan 陳轉
Godfrey Gao as Chen He 陳合
Jing Wong as Chen Yu Yi 陳餘一
Calvin Chen as Xue Zhi Qiang 薛志強
Wang Xin Ru as Shi Xue (Shi Lang's Cousin Sister) 史雪
Li Jia Ying as Gong Hui Qi (Shi Lang's Childhood friend) 龔蕙琪
He Mi (禾宓) as Xiao Mi 小米

About the Drama:

Momo Love is adapted from Japan’s best selling manga Momoka Typhoon. The plot is about Tao Hua who has been pampered and loved by 4 of her brothers almost to the extend of sister brotherly love.

Tao Hua is the youngest, and only girl, in a family of six children. Her four elder brothers are afraid that their place in Tao Hua's heart will be diminished if she is to fall in love, hence the four brothers had set stringent guidelines as to whom she can date. Or rather never allow anyone to date her. They will "deal" with her suitors with the most horrible manner.

The brothers force the 5th brother, Tian Zhong Yu Yi to look after and take care of Tao Hua and he even have to risk his life to protect her. Yu Yi is like Tao Hua's best friend and also forms an alliance with her.

Shi Lang has recently moved into Tao Hua's area and attends a school nearby with high academic standards. Shi Lang and Tao Hua meet on a rainy day, during which Tao Hua falls in love with him after he gives her his umbrella. She thinks that he has a big heart. Until Shi Lang comes into the picture, no guy has passed all of the guidelines set by the brothers.

Despite Shi Lang's clean track record, the brothers are still unwilling to let go of their sister. They resort to getting their youngest brother, Yu Yi, to stay in high school an additional year in order to protect Tao Hua.

The brothers were so desperate that they even "hired" Xue Zhi Qiang to distract Tao Hua from Shi Lang without realising that Zhi Qiang is actually interested with Tao Hua.

The course of Tao Hua's love life is not only hindered by her brothers, but she has to compete for Shi Lang's affections with Gong Hui Qi, who is Shi Lang's childhood friend. Who of cos had returned to Taiwan because of Shi Lang and she hold a torch for him.

The two main conflicts of the story consist of Tao Hua's struggle to prove that she can be independent as well as whether or not Shi Lang actually likes Tao Hua.


This is a very heart warming comedy where you see the brothers of Tao Hua trying to protect their sister with extremely exagerated manners.

The funny parts are how the brothers find ways to hinder her love life, but after watching a few episodes of such things it solwly becomes very boring.

I really can't stand when I see them bullying the 5th brother. Especially when they took his room and made it into a walk in wardrobe for Tao Hua.

Cyndi Wang is such a amateur actress, but she can easily cover that up with her cute looks =) Shes so so cute! Love her!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Korean Drama - Queen of the Game

Queen of the Game

Rating: 9.6/10

The Cast:

Kang household:

Lee Bo Young as Kang Eun Seol
Han Jin Hee as Kang Jae Ho (father)
Yoon Mi Ra as Jang Su Ja (housekeeper for 20 years, 50)
Kim Hee Jung as Park Young Sun (Su Ja’s daughter, 30)

Lee household:

Joo Jin Mo as Lee Shin Jun / Chase
Nah Young Hee as Han Mi Sook (mother)
Lee Suk as Lee Suk Gyu (father)
Kim Hong Pyo as Beo Geu Kang (Shin Jun’s friend, 30)

About the Drama:

Joo Jin Mo and Lee Bo Young will lead the weekend drama “Queen of the Game”. Lee Bo Young plays the daughter of the owner of a hotel. Joo Jin Mo plays an M&A (Merger & Acquisition) expert. The filming is scheduled to start in cities of New Zealand including Auckland and Queenstown. Staff from the movie “Lord of the Rings” will participate in the project. Viewers will be presented by the beautiful scenery of New Zealand captured from helicopter.

This is a story about revenge and how love will lead to forgiveness.. and that love will overcome everything- the story about the man who seeked revenge.. and the woman was the target since she’s his enemy’s daughter… she was naive, clueless and lovable.. ( the usual heroine that we expected in k-drama) and it’s a known fact that he WILL actually fall in love with his enemy’s daughter in this whole process…but there’s a twist..the woman will find out.. heartbroken by his betrayal.. and she starts plotting HER OWN revenge..


The drama caught my attention when I looked that the box cover of the show...The actor looked totally like my idol Andy Lau!! I was wondering how come he's acting in a korean drama....LOL...Joo Jin Mo is totally handsome here, as always...

This is a drama about revenage, love and heartache. Usually, stories involving revenge have lots of conflicts, twists and turns that make them good stories. The revenge process is also intriguing enough to get past the first five episodes or so, as Lee Shin Jun tries to capture the heart of Kang Eun Seol while falling in love with her at the same time.

As expected, this is quite a heavy feeling drama. It focuses more on the emotions of the characters rather than the details of their actions. For example, why was Eun Seol in Koodu's Farm in the first episode? We know Shin Jun shows up to purposely bump into her, but how did he know she will be there? It's way too big a coincidence. The whole business Shin Jun gets involved in at the hotel is also vague...

I just don't understand why can't the two love birds just forget about the rivalry between the families and live happily ever after?

Nah Young Hee (Lee Shin Jun / Chase's mother) could have forgiven Kang Jae Ho (Kang Eun Seol's father), don't you just want your children to be happy?

The entire cast has done excellent jobs at their roles, especially Joo Jin Mo and Lee Bo Young as the two main leads. Not only do they have good looks, but they share great chemistry and fit their characters very well. Jin Mo's Shin Jun is portrayed as a man stuck between a strong will to revenge and the unmovable love toward his target. Bo Young plays the change in Eun Seol seamlessly, from an innocent and slightly spoiled rich man's daughter to a post-tragedy working mother. She evolved in that role very well.

The conclusion of the series, as said by Eun Seol at the end, is "forgiveness is the best revenge" - Not only is the sentence well done, the story supports it from start to finish.

Queen of the Game [Eng Subs] (Complete)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to view subtitles (.srt format)

I blogged about this before in my Personal - What Kind of Life blog. (blogging here again cos its easier for pple who visits my World Of Drama blog)

You gotta install 2 things Real Alternative and DirectVobSub:

Real Alternative

You do need a player that is capable of playing RealMedia. The included Media Player Classic supports it and works very well. Supported: RealAudio (.ra .rpm), RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb .rpx .smi .smil), RealText (.rt), ReadPix (.rp), RealMedia embedded in webpages. .smi and .smil files sometimes only play the first part of a clip. This is a limitation of the current Media Player Classic. The RealMedia Browser plugin supports Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape and Mozilla.

Some advantages compared to RealPlayer :

- Quick and easy install
- It's easy to make an unattended installation
- Proper uninstallation
- No background processes
- Use a player of your own choice
- Low on resources
- No advertising, no registration forms, nothing annoying

Limitations :

- .smi and .smil files only play the first part of a clip. This is only a problem when the clip consists of multiple parts. These files are not very common. These files do play correctly when embedded in a browser.
- The RealMedia DirectShow splitter does not work with streaming content. You must use the included Media Player Classic to play streaming content.

Features of Real Alternative 2.0.2 :

- Media Player Classic [version]
- RealMedia Codecs [version]
- RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
- RealMedia plugin for Opera/Mozilla/Netscape/Google Chrome
- RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version 1.3.1268.0]

Features of Real Alternative 2.0.2 Lite :

- RealMedia Codecs [version]
- RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
- RealMedia plugin for Opera/Mozilla/Netscape/Google Chrome
- RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version 1.3.1268.0]

The only difference between the regular and lite versions is that the lite version does not include Media Player Classic.

Real Alternative Lite allows you to play RealMedia files in all DirectShow enabled players. Without this filter RealMedia files can only be played in Media Player Classic. This filter only works with files that are on your harddrive. It does NOT work with streaming content. Therefore it is highly recommended to use Media Player Classic, because MPC does support streaming content.

Changes in Real Alternative 2.0.2 :

- Updated Media Player Classic to version rev. 107
- Minor changes
• Real Alternative 2.0.1
- Updated Media Player Classic to rev. 104
- Updated RealMedia codecs to
- Updated RealMedia Browser plugin to
- Updated RealMedia DirectShow splitter to 1.3.1268.0
- The RealMedia Browser plugin now also works with Internet Explorer 8
- Minor fixes and improvements

You can download the player at


Changes in DirectVobSub (VSFilter) 2.39 [2008-08-28] :

- VSFilter: Improved performance with handling the \be tag.
- VSFilter: Fixed freeze that occurred with the combination MPC + VSFilter + Haali Video Renderer.

How to install DirectVobSub :

If you are unable to install the filter, please read this small guide: How to install/uninstall DLL and AX codec files from Guides section.

You can download DirectVobSub from

Friday, November 19, 2010

Korean Drama - Hong Gil-Dong

Hong Gil-Dong

Rating: 9.0/10

The Cast:

Kang Ji Hwan as Hong Gil Dong
Sung Yu Ri as Heo Yi Nok
Jang Geun Suk as Lee Chang Whee

About the Drama:

The main character Hong Gil-Dong is Minister Hong's son born of the maidservant Chun-Seom, during Sejong's reign in Joseon dynasty, in the capital Seoul. A local monk took him under his wing and taught him martial arts. Due to his illegitimate birth he carried the grudge of not being able to address his father and siblings. His family feared Gil-Dong's unique skills would be the root of calamity someday thus they hired assassins to get rid of Gil-Dong.

Upon escaping danger, Gil-Dong left to wander and became a bandit leader. Hong Gil Dong was inspired to fight for the injustice in this society that divided people into nobles and ordinary citizens whereby the former enjoyed all the privileges due solely to their birth. Gil-Dong schemed to seize treasures from Hae-In-Sa, and afterwards with the name Hwal-Bin-Dang (army saving the poor), with skills and Taoist magic, he seized fortunes from the corrupt officials all over the country and gave them to the poor people, but did not take a penny from the common citizens.

The heroine, Heo Yi Nok, had just returned to Korea from China with her grandfather. They made their living by putting on shows and selling their special brand of medicine in the marketplace.

Lee Chang Whee had been told since he was young that he was the rightful heir to the throne which had been usurped by his half brother. He had also returned from his exile in China and was plotting to overthrow the emperor.

The three got entangled in love, hate, loyalty and betrayal and only one side can win. As the question of rightful succession comes into play, Hong Gil Dong and Yi Nok are forced to take sides.

Comments(spoiler ahead):

I always thought that this person "Hong Gil-Dong" is a real historical person. However, "Hong Gil-Dong" is based on a fictional book about a Robin Hood in Korea. In this drama, the plot twists are great and there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Kang Ji Hwan is such a great actor, he is so commical in the show and totally convincing when his heart-wrenching emotions whirls you into believing in how Hong Gil Dong, the Bum turned into Hong Gil Dong, the Hero.

For those who'd watched "You're Beautiful", you should still remember Jang Geun Suk from "You're Beautiful" (this show's shown after Hong Gil-Dong), he's totally cool here as well!! Even though his acting is not as good, some even commented that if he did not "talk to himself" in the show, we won't even know that he is starting to like Yi Nok. LOL....Nevertheless, he successfully pulled off playing the fallen prince who was passionately in love with Yi Nok.

The supporting cast was excellent. The people you were suppose to hate, you hated and wanted to scream at them...LOL...

This drama is so funny and emotional. After laughing through a good part of the 23 episodes, the 24th left me with such a heavy heart. The last few episodes were an emotional rollercoaster, ending is a bit disappointing.

Ending even though as mentioned a bit disappointing, it is the most realistic. Who else should be able to defeat Hwal Bin Dang but the now King Lee Chang Hwee? He knows Gil Dong and how his group operates, and he knows their hideout fairly well.

This is a case of losing the battle but winning the war. Gil Dong died but his legacy continues. And Chang Hwee may have won the battle and killed him but he knew he was defeated in a greater sense. He lost Yi Nok forever...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Autumn's Concerto

Autumn's Concerto/ Next Stop, Happiness /下一站,幸福

Rating: 9.8/10

The Cast:

Ady An as Liang Mu Cheng 梁慕橙
(Fu Pei Ci as childhood Mu Cheng)
Van Ness Wu as Ren Guang Xi 任光晞
Chris Wu as Hua Tuo Ye 花拓也
Tiffany Xu as He Yi Qian 何以茜
Xiao Xiao Bin as Xiao Le, Liang Xiao Le, Mu Cheng and Guang Xi's son
Renzo Liu as Lawyer Lin
Liu Rui Qi as President Fang, Guang Xi's mother

About the Drama:

Ren Guang Xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He's the sole successor to a huge and famous business and a talented ice hockey player. But in reality, his lonely life lacks joy, laughter and motivation. That is until he meets Liang Mu Cheng, the new bento seller at his school canteen. Although orphaned at a young age, Mu Cheng does not let her past affect her and lives life with great passion and determination. A harmless bet brings the two together and Guang Xi slowly changes as Mu Cheng teaches him how to give and love. Tragedy strikes when Guang Xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory. His mother begs Mu Cheng to leave him and the latter has no choice but to do so. Little does she know that she already has Guang Xi's child.

Six years pass. Mu Cheng lives a quiet life with her young son in the countryside while Guang Xi is now a successful lawyer and is engaged to He Yi Qian, the kind and beautiful doctor who took care of him after his surgery. A strangely familiar piano piece stirs Guang Xi's heart as he struggles to recall his past romance with Mu Cheng. How will the couple make up for six years of lost time? Happiness, which stop do I alight at?


A very much must watch drama!! I am still looking for a copy of this drama with english subtitles, sigh...I totally can't get it off the shelf =(

I guess the story revolves around misunderstanding and miscommunication between two young couples who loves one another but have to spend so much time understanding one another since they did not communicate....

The plot leading to how Ren Guang Xi remembers about his past was very old fashioned and expected, but nevertheless my heart still skipped when he finally remembers his past...

I totally liked the way Liang Mu Cheng was talking to Ren Guang Xi in the hotel room after she got trapped in the hotel and saved him from a potential scandal. She was actually acting alone while Vanness was resting...

Ady An is such a great actress, she made Vanness Wu feels like a amateur actor. I gotta say Vanness was great too..please do not misunderstand me...but she was better...The couple span off with so much chemistry I watched the show at least 3 times again and again...

Not to forget, Liang Xiao Le (Xiao Xiao Bing), He is totally cute here!! How can such a young baby be such a great actor? He can even remember Van Ness' script LOL...

Some interesting thing I found out from Wikipedia:

As Ady An was filming in China, all publicity touring was held off until February 27, 2010. The drama was also green-lit to be shown in Japan in mid February 2010. However, even with Autumn Concerto's minimal promotion, some of the cast members had been making bets on the ratings of the drama.

Chris Wu, who starred as Hua Tuo Ye, jumped off a diving board at a swimming pool as the response to the drama's ratings inclining above 6%. This act was shown on television. Vanness Wu, Chris Wu, Tiffany Xu, and Apple also recorded a thank you video for all their fans because of the ratings of Episode 18.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Korean Drama - In Soon Is Pretty

In Soon Is Pretty

Rating: 8.5/10


Kim Hyun Joo as Lee In-soon
Kim Min Joon as Han Sang Woo
Seo Hyo Rim as Kim Jung Ah (In Soon’s sister)
Lee In Hye as Han Jae Eun
Lee Wan as Geun Soo

Extended Cast

Nah Young Hee as Lee Sun Young (In Soon’s mother)
Uhm Hyo Sup as Seo Kyung Joon / Teacher Seo
Lee Hyun Joon as Seo Eun Seok (Teacher Seo’s son)
Choi Il Hwa as Yoo Byung Gook (Sang Woo’s father)
Kim Mi Kyung as Oh Myung Sook (Sang Woo’s mother)
Park Soon Chun as Park Ok Sun (In Soon’s aunt)
Cha Young Ok as Nam So Jung (Sun Young’s friend)
Lee Mae Ri as Han Mi Jin
Jang Young Ran as Go Mi Hwa
Na Yoon as Song Jin Tae
Jo Duk Hyun as Go Jae Sik

About the Drama:

In Soon, in her school days, thanks to her outstanding looks, is a very popular girl. However she accidentally killed her friend in a hand-to-hand fight and served a long sentence, turning her from a cheerful and brave girl into a timid one. Her grandmother was the only family she had, but she died right before In Soon was released from prison. She believes that her life has been cursed because her mother abandoned her as soon as she was born, and then her friend and grandmother died. However, she’s a tough woman who hasn’t lost hope, and is searching for happiness.”

"In Soon is pretty", this is what In Soon (Kim Hyun Joo) tells herself everyday since she was out from the prison. After she was out from the prison, people would look at her in a different way. No matter how hard she tries to live an honest and good life, people would still hold prejudice against her. She was encouraged by her high school teacher but feeling down and out, In Soon decided that her life wasn't worth living and attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the train track.

Just then she was stopped by Yoo Sang Woo (Kim Min Joo), her childhood friend who had moved to Canada before the incident and lost contact with her. This guy looks perfect on the outside: tall, good-looking, eloquent and a graduate of a prestigious overseas university. He comes from an affluent family and has a prestigious job. People think of him as a typical son of rich parents for his self-confidence, sense of humor, modesty and charisma. But he as well has a past that he wants to hide. His family was destitute when he was young. He had to skip meals often, while his peers bullied him for wearing dirty clothes. He wasn’t good at studying, either. But now all that is the thing of the past. He acts as if he was born into a rich family. He wears only luxury brand clothes and works out at an expensive club.

He is curious about In Soon, but he ends up being entangled with her against his will, which irritates him a lot but he soon develops feeling for In Soon. However, he soon finds out that In Soon has a criminal record. Will he stop his love to In Soon because of it? Through a series of events, In Soon was also reunited with her mother, the famous actress Lee Sun Young who abandoned her soon after her father passed away. Can In Soon finally begin a new life and find happiness?


I was a fan of Kim Hyun Joo and when the show was out I immediately went and got it. However I was very disappointed with the show. I am not sure if anyone realised that it is kind of a silly show...

After watching the show I keep thinking about the ridiculas plot. I can't imagine that she was being imprisoned for such mistake!! She was just a child at that time, don't they have some home for the dilinguent and don't they like hide their identity for young ones that made mistake? Very confused when I see this part of the show especially...

When I realise that people are calling her a heroine for saving someone from the track, its when I keep telling myself "OMG this show is teaching people bad things!!!" LOL

In-soon Is Pretty [Eng Subs] (Complete)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Korean Drama - Rude Woman

Rude Woman – 발칙한 여자들

Rating: 8.9/10


Yoo Ho-Jung as Song Mi Joo
Im Ji-Eun as Kim Eun Young
Jung Woong-In as Jung Suk
Lee Ki-Woo as Jang Woo Jin
Oh Ju-Eun as Yang Da Rim
Sah Gang as Go Sang Mi
Choi Woo-Jae as Jo Tae Joon
Jung Joon-Ha as Baek Uk Nyun
Ahn Yeon-Hong
Park Ji-Eon as Jung Ha Na
Jeon Won-Ju

About the Drama:

A story inspired by “Desperate Housewives”, this is a korean version of it. Rude Woman (or Rude Women/Outrageous Women) tells a story about Mi Joo, a divorcee who seek revenge on her ex-husband, Jung Suk, a surgeon who had remarried his beautiful wife, Eun Young.

Mi Joo then meets Rookie, a former baseball player who happened to be the owner of the house she rents in Korea upon her arrival after 10 years living in U.S with her son, Joon.


As you are watching the drama you will fee bad for Jung Suk (Jung Woong) even though you know that Jung Suk is to be blame for the pain Mi Joo feels. Jung Woong in has certainly turn me into a fan of his with his potrayal as Jung Suk, his facial expression was so funny! at times it seemed like he had that Joker Smile, very commical.

I find it Mi Joo's plot to revenge on her ex-husband very stupid, but I have to admit she made me laugh a lot too!

Jang Woo Jin (Lee Ki Woo), his character's so sweet, and the way he tried to break down the walls in Mi Joo's heart is admirable. He is so much younger then Mi Joo and furthermore, Mi Joo has a son. Plus point is that Joon likes Woo Jin. Win the woman through her son LOL.

Joon really a cute looking boy. It really broke my heart when I saw him crying after he found out about his dad. OMG...

Sang mi's very gentle. Really find her a "small woman" with the way she takes care of her husband. Was hoping for her to ditch him and in return that would make him want her more. The twist of event make makes it so unbelieveable that Ji Hwan's little secret crushed her whole world. This is the part I never guessed.

Overall, each episode is very entertaining even though some parts a bit draggy.

Rude Woman [Eng Subs] (Complete)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Kiss

恶作剧之吻/Kiss/It started with a Kiss

Rating: 9.8/10


Ariel Lin as Yuan Xiang Qin 袁湘琴
Joe Cheng as Jiang Zhi Shu 江直樹
Jiro Wang as Jin Yuan Feng (Ah Jin) 金元豐
Chang Yung Cheng as Jiang Li (Ah Li)
Cyndi Chaw as Ah Li's wife/Jiang Zhao Zi
Tang Tsung Sheng as Yuan You Cai (Ah Cai)
Petty Yang as Lin Chun Mei
Candice Liu as Liu Ya Nong
Aaron Yan as Ah Bu
Zhang Bo Han as Jiang Yu Shu
Tiffany Hsu as Pei Zi Yu 裴子瑜
Bianca Bai as Bai Hui Lan

About the Drama

Yuan Xiang Qin (Ariel Lin) is a bumbling, intellectually-challenged, naïve, but optimistic high school girl. She had been in love with Jiang Zhi Shu (Joe Cheng) ever since she saw him on stage for a freshman orientation speech. Jiang Zhi Shu is a genius with an IQ of 200 a total league from her.

After two years of having a crush on him, she finally musters the courage to confess her love to him in school with a love letter. Zhi Shu is not impressed, and Xiang Qin is left humiliated publicly in front of their entire school.

The afternoon, the new house she has just moved into with her father collapses in a minor earthquake. She and her father are instantly left homeless because they lacked the foresight to pay for earthquake insurance. Fortunately, her father's old college friend extends a helping hand and invites both of them to live at his house. She and her father moved in with the family of her father's college buddy, Uncle Ah Li. To her surprise, the kind and amicable aunt and uncle are the parents of her cold and distant schoolmate Jiang Zhi Shu.

Because of this unexpected turn of events, Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin begin living their lives under the same roof. Zhi Shu's mother aspires to bring them together, coaxing Zhi Shu into tutoring Xiang Qin and taking numerous pictures of the couple together. Zhi Shu remains cold towards Xiang Qin, thinking her to be one of the dumbest people he has ever met, and refuses to speak to her in school.

Zhi Shu slowly warms up to Xiang Qin, who tries her hardest to do better in school for him, as they deal with romantic rivals, their futures, and their relationship.


I really like this show. Even though the actress and actors are kind of new in acting at that time, I think this is a very interesting and funny show.

Very heart warming show, you can see how the indifferent genius Zhi Shu slowly warming towards the silly Xiang Qin.

One thing I find very amazing is the way Zhi Shu's mum's devotion to Xiang Qin. I guess she can see how kind she is and really wanted her to be her daughter-in-law.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Korean Drama - My Fair Lady (2009 TV series)

My Fair Lady / Lady Castle

Rating: 9.5/10


Yoon Eun-hye as Kang Hye-na
Yoon Sang-hyun as Seo Dong-chan
Jung Il Woo as Lee Tae-yoon
Moon Chae-won as Yeo Eui-ju
Wang Suk-hyun as Kang Sumin
Kim Yeong-kwang as Jeong Woo-seong
Lee Jeong-gil as Chairman Kang
Kim Myeong-gook as Director Kang

About the Drama:

This is a 16 episodes drama "My Fair Lady" starring actress Yoon Eun Hye, from "Coffee Prince".

Kang Hye-na (Yoon Eun Hye), the only successor of Kang-san Group, is the owner of the ‘Lady Castle’ and lives a ‘princess-like’ life with her servants. Hye-na’s parents died from a plane accident and her grandfather brought her up. Hye-na is strong-headed, selfish and world revolves around her; it is because she could not experience the warmth of family when she grew up.

One day, she comes across Dong-chan. He makes Hye-na to do community service, kidnaps her, and appears in front of her as the new household manager! Hye-na makes every effort to throw him out from the castle, but this guy has tenacity in him!

Kang Hye-na (Yoon Eun-hye)

Kang Hye-na owns the 'Lady Castle' and lives a 'princess-like' life with her servants. Losing her parents in a plane crash at a young age, she had a lonely upbringing, living under the care of her stringent grandfather. So, she neither knows nor feels the emotional warmth from others. For this reason, she is overtly indifferent and oblivious to others' feelings and situations and totally self-centered. Whenever she opens her mouth, she spills out blunt remarks to no matter who the person is. She has skills leveling any national representative when it comes to horse riding, fencing, and shooting. The only reason she holds these skills is to either humiliate men unworthy of her, or to add awkwardness to conversations.

Until one day, out of pure coincidence, she came across Seo Dong Chan who turned her life upside down. He not only does he caused her do community service, he even kidnapped her and later he became her personal assistant. Even after stepping on him, crushing him and biting him, he still doesn’t run away. She may have finally met her match.

Seo Dong-Chan (Yoon Sang-Hyun)
A former gigolo, Seo Dong-Chan gave up entering university and his first love and took the road of the gigolo in order to make money for operations of his mother with acute leukemia. Dong-chan became the best of the best in the gigolo’s world with his dashing looks, eloquent speech, excellent art of living, and great skills of adapting to circumstances. But he dropped the career as soon as his mother passed away. He is in debt for five thousand dollars due to his mother's operations.

One day, Kang Hye-na showed up and stimulated his competitive spirit. To him, she is one of the most arrogant and impudent daughters in the wealthy upper class families.

Dong-Chan made up his mind to enter the Castle and becomes her butler on the purpose of changing his whole life and cheating Hye-na out of the five thousand which he owed the loan shark.

Lee Tae-yoon (Jeong Il-woo)
Tae-yoon is a human rights lawyer. He rejects the advantages he can take from wealthy life of second generation of Chaebol. He is devoting his life to legal service for the poor in a shabby lawyer’s office. At first, he has no feelings towards Hye-na. However, Tae-yoon slowly gets to know her and he understands that she has her own scar and sorrow in her mind that is not portrayed.

Yeo Eui-ju (Moon Chae-won)
She has grown up like siblings with Dong-chan. She is a kind of mentor who helps Dong-chan do right things as well as the closest person who worries about him and supports him to get his life on track. Eui-ju's special interest in him, her unrequited love is hidden.


OMG I can't help but teared at the very last episode when she wrote the letter to Butler.

I love the interesting twist when the 2 losers (Lee Tae-yoon and Yeo Eui-ju) in love got together and slowly became good friends and at the end of the show when its hinted that Lee Tae-yoon might be interested in Yeo Eui-ju. Wasn't it obvious?

My Fair Lady (2009 TV series) English Subtitles (Completed)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Korean Drama - The Legend

The Legend

Rating: 8.5/10

The Cast:

Bae Yong Joon as Lord Hwanwoong/Dam Deok
Lee Ji Ah as Sae-oh/Suzini
Moon So Ri as Kajin/Gi Ha
Oh Kwang Rok as Hyeonko
Choi Min Soo as Daejangro
Yoon Tae Young as Yeon Ho Gae
Kim Ho Young as young Ho Gae
Park Sang Won as Yeon Garyo
Park Sung Woong as Jumuchi
Lee Philip as Cheoro
Park Jung Hak as General Go Woo Cheung
Jang Hang Sun as Heuk Gae (Julno chief)

About the Drama:

"The Legend" starring Bae Yong Joon in the leading role,this Korean blockbuster retells the saga of King Kwanggaet'o of the ancient state Goguryeo and is awash with big battle scenes, and abit of The Lord of The Rings-like visual effects.

The story also adds mythical elements of the Four Symbols depicted in fantasy form as the four guardians who serve the king of Jyushin. The addition of fantasy to a Korean historical drama makes this series unique and distinguishes itself from its predecessors in Korean television series. The characters also speak in a modernized Korean language which marks a departure from a typical historical drama.

It is also one of the most expensive Korean production ever, at 43 billion won (S$60.27 million). Kwanggaet'o's reign marked a high point in Korean dynastic history, and the drama follows his rise to power, military conquests and romantic encounters. "The Legend" is also a continuation of the drama about King Jumong who was the founder of Goguryeo.

In "The Legend", the story starts with 2000 years ago before the founding of Goguryeo. The god's son, Lord Hwanwoong, was sent from the heavens to make the world a better place.

There was tribe that respected the tiger and controlled fire called the Ho-jok (Tiger Tribe), who ruled the world. They eliminated and assimilated all tribes except the tribe that respected the bear, called the Ung-jok (Bear Tribe). The Tiger Tribe and the Bear Tribe fought, and Hwang-woong could not bear to see so many people getting killed. He brought the three gods of nature; Poong-Baek (백호, the White Tiger), Woonsa (청룡, the Azure Dragon), and Woosa (현무, the Black Tortoise).

Kajin is the leader of the Tiger Tribe, she was wounded while being attacked another tribe, and was dying while Lord Hwang-woong healed her. This convinced Kajin not to be against Hwang-woong. Lord Hwanwoong removed the power of fire from Kajin, sealed the power into an artifact called the Heart of Jujak (주작, the Vermillion Bird). He fell in love with Sae-oh and gave her the phoenix necklace along with the power of the phoenix (initially belonging to Kajin).

After Kajin recovered, the Tiger tribe did not listen to Kajin and decided to attack the Bear Tribe. Kajin then killed her tribe's council with her own blade, escapes and heads towards the Bear Tribe, wanting to be Lord Hwang-woong's woman.

However, Kajin becomes jealous after Sae-oh had given birth to Lord Hwanwoong's son. She takes the baby and throws him off a cliff. Sae-oh, thinking that her son had died, is overcome with grief and turns into the black phoenix to destroy the world.

Lord Hwan-woong had to kill her to stop her. After that, Lord Hwan-woong returns to the Heavens and prophecise that 2000 years later, the true Joo Shin King will come to Earth. With the help of the four gods, he will rebuild the kingdom of Joo Shin.

The story then starts from the birth of the great king two thousand years later. The trouble begins when two boys are born on the same night to the same royal family.

Dam Deok the bright mature one, who is brought up by a cautious father and taught to hide his abilities and does not know that he is born during the sighting the of the Jyusin star initially. He had grown up to be a pleasant young man, but in his heart he always suffered because of Hogae's mother who had committed suicide, causing Ho Gae to believe that Dam Deok had killed her. He was later found to be the destined King of Jushin.

As the 19th king of Goguryeo, he was initially despised by the leaders of the four tribes that form his parliament due to influence from Ho Gae's father who was the chancellor of the parliament. However, he proves himself to be an excellent fighter and a schemer who can win battles without a single casualty on his side.

Dam Deok's cousin, Ho Gae who is encouraged by his ambitious mother to show off and prove he is the true monarch to everyone. He grows up as the heart-throb of the kingdom and is widely accepted as monarch-to-be as everyone knows that he was born on the night of the sighting of Jyusin star. When they were kids, Ho Gae was very open and pleasant towards Dam Deok, but after his mother's death, he resolved to take revenge and proving that he is the rightful Joo Shin King. He also hated Dam Deok as the woman he loved, Gi Ha only has eyes for Dam Deok. He had won many battles as early as his teens, and grew to be a powerful warrior.

Enter the world of two orphaned, long lost sisters who might both be reincarnations of the Phoenix. One sister, Gi Ha, was adopted by an evil cult, raised and sent to the palace as a priestess since young as a bait to hook the future king (who was thought to be Ho Gae). She met Damdeok by chance one night in the royal library and began to have a crush on him. Their relationship was fine, until the day that Damdeok's father faked his death as an assassination by Gi Ha to prevent any harm on Damdeok. She changed after that and became vicous and cold-blooded, especially after seeing Dam Deok being close with Suzini. Suzini is the other sister and she grew up on the streets.

At the end of the series, he realizes that the task of the King of Joo Shin was to answer the gods whether humans needed their help to continue surviving. He answers by unsummoning (through breaking the Cheongung/천궁: literally Heavenly Bow) the heavenly artifacts of heaven to avoid killing more people, especially Kiha who was then about to release her power which would consume the world again and of the Four Gods. The answer he told the gods was that he should return the powers and that humans could carry on by themselves. Having said that, he returned to the heavens, leaving behind his lover Sujini and son (who was bore by Kiha) on earth.


Lee Ji Ah, I like her most, her style as Sae-oh reminds me of final fantasy characters, looks totally beautiful and mythical. As Suzini, she is like the female version of Legolas from the Lord of the Ring. She looks so cool fighting battles alongside Dam Deok with her bows and arrows. Her character was very funny as she likes drinking and gambling and was not like the typical female heroine.

I kept hoping that Dam Deok would like her and they would be together in the end. I was also quite irritated with Ho Gae's character towards the end as he was blinded by his love for Gi Ha and just following whatever she wants.

I did not really like the ending and was hoping that there could be more scenes of Dam Deok and Suzini towards the end. I totally did not understand the ending actually. It was only after reading some of the synopsis written that I finally understand what is going on. LOL.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Knock Knock Loving You

Knock Knock Loving You

Rating: 8/10

The Cast:

Yuan Fan Resort:
Dylan Kuo as Cheng Xue Ge 程雪歌
Liu Shang Qian (劉尚謙) as Cheng Zhi Ang 程志昂

Yao Shi Corporation:
Wu Ya Xin (吳亞馨) as Yao Zi Wang 姚子望
Zhang Chen Guang as Yao Wan Chuan 姚萬傳
Feng Yuan Zhen (馮媛甄) as Yao Zi Qi 姚子期
Ah Mei as Yao Hui En 姚匯恩

Huang Xin Financial:
Ming Dao as Zhao Guan Xi 趙冠希
Coco Jiang as Zhao Guan Li 趙冠麗

About the Drama:

Upon returning from USA after news of his father's terminal illness.Cheng Xue Ge (dylan Kuo) Has to restore his family's crumbling bussiness,the Wei Lin Resort at Empress Town.

Cheng Xue Ge had lived in the life of comfort and never knew the dark side of human nature until his father's company bankrupted.

In order to restore the company, he must learn from his archrival, Yao Zi Wang (Wu Ya Xin), the ins and outs of being a shrewd, successful businessman. While working closely together, he slowly realizes her coldblooded ruthlessness was only a front to protect her battered heart.

But his commitment for the job had made him neglect his girlfriend, Tang Qing Wu(Jacqueline Li)and she ends up marrying someone else instead. Zi Wang on the other hand is torn between her personal freedom and family ties when prominent director of Huang Xin Financial, Zhao Guan Xi(Ming Dao) sets his eyes on having her hand in marriage, which was swiftly approved by her father.

Zi Wang turns down the proposed marriage and was disowned by her father.


First I totally cannot stand when Yao Zi Wang's (Wu Ya Xin) father actually pays no heed to her existance, she has proved to be a wonderfully smart and shrewded business women, how can he ignores that fact only because she is a girl?? What centuary is he living in? A girl has no use in his business? OMG...

Second of all I cannot imagine how Yao Zi Wang can do this to Zhao Guan Xi (Ming Dao)!! OMG!! I talked to a few friends about this shows and each and everyone of them said the same thing.

I would say that the ending is really disappointing, I thought that the name as it suggest should mean "falling in love unknowingly" or "Quietly Falling in Love with You" and that the Zi Wang will eventually fall in love with Guan Xi who is quietly and supporting and loving her and of cos trying all means for her to fall in love with him. What a stupid ending! Ending should have been better then that.if the ending is different, the show is definately a great show...too bad.

If you like happy ending, please don't watch this show, definately not considered as happy ending to my measure. Some would say its a total waste of time...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Taiwan Drama - My Queen/败犬女王

My Queen/败犬女王

Rating: 9.0/10

The Cast:

Ethan Ruan as Lu Ka Si 盧卡斯 (Lucas)
Cheryl Yang as Shan Wu Shuang 單無雙 (Veronica)
Wen Sheng Hao as Song Yun Hao 宋允浩 (Leslie Sung)
Yang Ya Zhu as Han Jia Jia 韓佳佳

About the Drama:

This is a light hearted romance Taiwanese drama (21 episodes) starring actor Ethan Ruan

The Opening theme song 沒有如果 is a song from Fish Leong's latest album.

This drama talks about the relationship of an older woman with a younger man. I watched an episode of the drama earlier after reading great reviews of the drama online and on the newspaper and likes the plot and acting of the two main characters and am gonna watch the first few episodes online :> The drama will focus on how Shan Wu Shuang faces up to her true feelings and the difficulties she faces in dating a younger man.

What will happen when Shan Wu Shuang (Cheryl Yang), a 33 year old beautiful, hardworking yet single woman, meets Lucas (Ethan Ruan), a 25 year old romantic and handsome regular worker? There is an 8 year age difference – what kind of story would then be created? At 33 years a sensitive age where one should have long got married, yet she refused to believe in love anymore after being abandoned by her fiance 6 years ago where he disappeared on her. A story that will let us laugh and let us cry. I’m not defeated! I’m the Queen!


My queen features the love life of a woman in her early 30s (Cheryl Yang/ 杨谨华) with a successful career, strong headed but remained unattached for 6 years because of her first love until she met a handsome guy (Ethan Ruan/ 阮经天) who is 8 years younger than her.

When my friends told me to watch this show, the first thing that came to my mind is that OMG the lead actress is damn ugly, her face is so long!!! I read through some of the comments that some made regarding the show said the same thing. But after watching the show for a while she actually looks acceptable.

So don't give up on her. Her eyes are big, her nose is sharp, very beautiful features. In fact if you watch the show carefully the actress is kind of pretty...just that her face is really too long...I guess it is due to the hair style that the hair stylist has done for her is really not very well done and does not bring out her beauty.

I have asked a few friends who had watched the show, and found out that those who has brothers younger then them will never choose to accept anyone that are younger then them. Especially will never accept someone 8 years younger then them. Many had choosen the "Senior" instead of Ethan Ruan.

I really find the last 2 episode of the show very meaningful. It shows what a couple faces when their status in the society is so different.

The plot is simple but realistic. The success of this drama really count on both the leading actor and actress because of their convincing performance.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Korean Drama - Last Scandal Of My Life

Last Scandal Of My Life

The Cast

Choi Jin Shil as Hong Sun Hee
Jung Joon Ho as Song Jae Bin
Byun Jung Soo as Lee Na Yoon
Jung Woong In as Jang Dong Hwa

About the drama

Choi Jin Shil stars as housewife Hong Sun Hee, who is a strong, happy go lucky middle aged woman who accidentally meets her first love, Jang Dong Chul, again while working as an extra in a tv commerical. But now he is known as Song Jae Bin to the whole entire world. Dong Chul became a famous star and didn't recognize Sun Hee the first time that they met because she looked like an old ahjooma (auntie). But back in high school, she was a smart, and beautiful girl and all this changed when her family business failed years ago. Sun Hee ended up marrying a useless man who always lands their family in debts. She has to work several jobs to support the family and her mother-in-law who always picks on her.

Sun Hee's husband even lands himself in jail for debts and forgery and Sun Hee had to approach the wealthy Jae Bin for aid. He is however not willing to help her bacuase she is no longer the beauty she once was. Due to some misunderstandings, she eventually moves into his house as a housekeeper. As she begins working for him she'll soon realize that he's not a stuck-up celebrity, but someone who's lived a sheltered life for the past 15 years ever since he shot to stardom... His manager elder brother Jang Dong Hwa (Jung Woong In)is always there to help him resolve any problems that he faces and Jae Bin has ended up being reliant on him out of habit.

Dong Hwa is a man of few words. Perhaps it's because since his parents passed away he's had to take responsibility of his younger brother. Now, he's an acclaimed CEO for an entertainment company and manager to his superstar brother Jae Bin. While he doesn't have a clue about love, he ended up being father to his son and now raises him as a single parent. He does however get confused feelings once Sun Hee enters the house. Maybe it's because of the way Jae Bin gives her such a hard time...or maybe not?

Sun Hee and Jae Bin bicker constantly but slowy they discover the feelings they had at 19 aren't compeltely gone. Jae Bin also feels sorry for Sun Hee as her husband had lied to her repeatedly and left her and her daughter for an older and rich woman. However things get complicated with the arrival of Na Yoon (Byun Jung Soo). She is another hot celebrity who's had a love/hate relationship with Jae Bin and Dong Hwa. When she starts to notice Jae Bin and Dong Hwa developing feelings for an ordinary woman like Sun Hee and giving her their undivided attention, she begins to get jealous of Sun Hee and plots to win the brothers back!


Sadly this was actress Choi Jin-sil's last drama before her suicide in October 2008. Due to the series' immense popularity, a second season was planned and would begin filming in November - December 2008. It was called off due to Choi Jin-sil's sudden death. She's kind of a very good actress. What a waste.

A little gossip to share

In late September 2008, one of Choi Jin-sil's best friend’s husband Ahn Jae Hwan, also an actor, committed suicide due to failing business and high volume of debt. Soon after, Choi was rumoured to have lent a large sum of money to Ahn which spread rapidly through online reports and blogs. This was a shock to Choi and is favoured as the key factor leading up to her suicide, although there have been other reports of Choi’s suffering from depression since her divorce with Cho, her confidence as a single mom and the pressure of always being at the top of the stardom. The police reported the rumour to be false.

On the day of Choi’s death, all 3 major TV stations spent a third of their news hour on covering the story. 4 days after her death, a representative at the National Assembly suggested a new law to prevent "cyber-insulting" which for a short period had the nick name of "Choi Jin Shil Law".

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Korean Drama -You're Beautiful

Korean Drama - You're Beautiful

Rating: 9/10


Jang Geun Suk as Hwang Tae Kyung
Park Shin Hye Go Mi Nam (Male) / Go Mi Nyu (Female)
Lee Hong Ki as Kang On Yu / Jeremy
Jung Yong Hwa as Kang Shin Woo

Extended cast

UEE as Yoo He Yi
Bae Geu Rin as Sa Yu Ri (Fan club president)
Kim In Kwon as Ma Hoon Yi (Mi Nam’s manager)
Choi Ran as Choi Mi Ja (Mi Nam & Mi Nyu’s aunt)
Kim Sung Ryung as Mo Hwa Ran
Jung Chan as President Ahn
Choi Soo Eun as Wang Kko Di

About the Drama

Tae Kyung and On Yu are in search of a new member for their idol group, A.N.JELL. However, their new band member Mi Nam suffers an injury at the last moment. So Mi Nyu, his twin sister, is asked to step in for her brother. The rest of the drama follows the behind-the-scenes life of an idol group.

Go Mi Nyu is a sister-in-training. When her twin brother Go Mi Nam successfully auditions into the musical band A.N.JELL but is forced to leave for the United States to correct a botched plastic surgery effort, she is approached by his manager to pose as Mi Nam for the duration of his recovery.

Against her wishes, Mi Nyu accepts in order to fulfill her brother's dream of finding their mother. Now, posing as Mi Nam, Mi Nyu enters the group A.N.JELL and meets its members; Hwang Tae Kyung, Kang Shin Woo and Jeremy.

Tae Kyung, the group's leader and composer and the 2 main characters in Mi Nyu and Tae Kyung are like fire and water....It is so comical as to how Tae Kyung catergorized Mi Nyu as a disaster zone and was so afraid of "him" in the begining and Mi Nyu can't help getting into alot of funny incidents and dragging Tae Kyung along. They really make such a cute couple and it was so sweet whenever Tae Kyung tries to help Mi Nyu out even though he tries hard to stay away from her. Mi Nyu slowly falls in love with him, only to find herself entangled in a love triangle between him and Shin Woo.

Additionally, Mi Nyu finds herself rivaled against Yoo He Yi, an actress who also has feelings for Tae Kyung.


Jeremy also harbors a one-sided love for her despite not knowing she's a girl. This is a old fashioned (commonly used in different drama - e.g coffee prince, 就想赖着你 and even japanese drama like Hanazakari no Kimitachi e) You can see his denial and delima

Totally hate it when the lead actor (Jang Geun Suk) touch his nose with his lips and trying to act like a pig...not cool at all...was he suppose to look cute? Some of my friends find him cute in that action...OMG...I personally dislikes that action it a lot...But I totally love Jang Geun Suk...LOL...

Its is amazing how the Hwang Tae Kyung can perform a simple surgery and added the pig nose onto the rabbit plush toy...and it was done so well!!! LOL...When you watch the show look out for the horrible plush toy "the pig rabbit"

I cannot imagine that an official website for idol band A.N.JELL ( from the drama was also launched.

Something interesting I found out from Wikipedia

During its run, several car companies offered to have their cars be used on the drama for promotional purposes. The latest car from the German automaker Audi introduced their Audi S5 on the miniseries, with Jang Geun Suk (Tae Kyung) driving it.

Additionally, the soundtrack of the miniseries also sold 20,000 copies within its first seven days of released due to the popularity of the show. The album became a top seller on Melon, Dosirak, and Mnet. The album was written and produced by Han Sung-ho, who also worked on the dramas Lovers, On Air, and Brilliant Legacy.

Because the drama features a concert footage in it, A.N.JELL actually performed as mini-concert, where it was reported that as many 25,000 fans showed up. The group performed the songs “Promise” and “Still (As Ever)”, which is actually Lee Hongki solo soundtrack songs; Jang Geun Suk also sang “Good Bye” and “What Should I Do,” the latter of which is the track Tae-kyung remakes for his mother in the drama. Park Shin Hye sang her character’s theme song, “Lovely Day". Numerous fans have watched the drama online, where it reportedly gained a cult-following.

Totally amazing!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Taiwan Drama - 100% Senorita

100% Senorita / 千金百分百

Rating: 9/10

The Cast

Chen Qiao En as Liang Xiao Feng
Penny Lin as Zhuang Fei Yang
Wallace Huo as Li Wei Xiang
Deric Wan as Pan Bi De (Peter)
Jason Hsu as Meng Zhe Lin
Ke Shu Qin as Yang Zhu Fang

About the Drama (Spoiler Warning)

Zhu Fang is employed as a surrogate mother. During the process of her pregnancy, her maternal instinct was strongly awakened and she is struggling between her pain and her responsibility. She gave birth to a pair of twin girls, therefore, she left one of her daughters and quietly took the other one and flee.

Zhuang Fei Yang (Penny Lin) is the sole millionaire heiress of Formosa Inc, a company owned by her father and directed by CEO Peter, Fei Yang’s high-profile boyfriend.

Fei Yang would never forget the day of her 20th birthday. For the purpose of giving her a surprise at her birthday party, while hurrying home on his helicopter ride, the helicopter crashed.

Soon after her father’s sudden death, the heiress’ life is shaken by a murder attempt by the scheming Peter. Fei Yang survives the car accident without Peter’s knowledge, but her face becomes unrecognizable after a dramatic plastic surgery.

Wanting to restore her identity and to save Formosa from Peter’s hands, Fei Yang employs Liang Xiao Feng (Chen Qiao En) who looked like her, in a desperate attempt to regain Formosa. It turns out that Xiao Feng is her long-lost twin sister.

In the later part of the drama, Fei Yang and Xiao Feng are restored to their proper positions. As she assumes control over the dealings of Formosa, however, Fei Yang is misguided by Sha Sha to believe that her father’s death was Peter’s doing. Spurred by the thought of avenging her father, Fei Yang intentionally alienates Wei Xiang and the gentle Xiao Feng.

She then applies all possible means to destroy Peter, who had by this time fallen in love with Xiao Feng and wanted to repent. Fei Yang continues to struggle, even at the cost of her health, while the confused Peter tries everything to make Xiao Feng believe in his innocence.

The misunderstandings continue to form until a hysterical Sha Sha reveals the truth behind her deceptions. Fei Yang and Wei Xiang leave for Europe to seek treatment for her illness, and Xiao Feng waits patiently for Peter, while he serves in prison for the crimes that he had committed.


Even though this is a very nice show, there are a few things that I did not understand when watching the show.

I totally did not see the romance of Peter and Xiao Feng coming. Where in the world will any body fall in love with a murderer? Someone who aims to kill your own sister? I could not understand that part very much. Anyway isn't that what LOVE is all about?

The side kick Meng Zhe Lin (Jason Hsu) really gives me a very good impression =) Totally love him!

This is the first show I see actor Wallace Huo as Li Wei Xiang, isn't he smart looking? Find his straight forward and righteous character in the show, glows with his acting and also his handsome looks.

Also the first show I have seen Chen Qiao En as Liang Xiao Feng, definately a good actresses, but still have room for improvement.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Devil Beside You

Devil Beside You/惡魔在身邊

Rating: 9/10

The Cast:

Mike He as Jiang Meng 江猛
Rainie Yang as Qi Yue 齊悅
Kingone Wang as Sang Yuan Yi 尚源伊
Ivy Fan Xiao Fan as Xin Li Xiang 辛莉香
He Du Lin as Jiang You Hui 江友暉
Ge Wei Ru as Huang Xue Wei 黃雪薇

About the Drama:

The story begins when Qi Yue (Rainie Yang) finally gets the courage to confess her feelings to the basketball team captain, Yuan Yi (Kingone Wang). She wrote a love letter and plans to pass it to him.

Being as careless as only she can be, she has made her confession to the wrong person, who happened to be the school's devil, Jiang Meng (Mike), her junior, a first year student, whos is infamously known for his devilish ways in school. She is so shocked and embarrassed to see Ah Meng's face that she drops her love letter and runs away.

Ah Meng is amused by the whole thing and decides to have some fun with Qi Yue. He threatens Qi Yue to print a thousand copies of her love letter and let the whole school know of her liking for Yuan Yi. In order to stop Ah Meng, Qi Yue agrees to be his 'runner'.

With Ah Meng's continuous bullying of Qi Yue, she is driven to stop all the nonsense by confessing her liking to Yuan Yi again. In this way, she will not be afraid of Ah Meng's disclosing the love letter anymore. To Qi Yue's surprise, Yuan Yi has a similar liking for her.

Although having a cruel exterior, Ah Meng’s heart is kind and caring, which truly touched Qi Yue. How can the devil have a kind heart? Or is it just his way to protect himself and shield his emotional character? The big problem remained – Ah Meng is the son of the man Qi Yue’s mother is married to.

Even though they were not related by blood, who will accept this step brother-sister relationship? What is to become of their relationship when other lovers come into the picture? [Read more...]


This is the first Taiwan drama DVD box set I bought. I borrowed to watch from a friend and found the drama not bad, so I bought it in DVD format and watched it again, that was like years ago in 2005 period.

At first from the name of the drama I thought that it has something to do with black magic etc. End up its a drama about 2 siblings, not related by blood falling in love with one another.

A rather nice drama. Jiang Meng (Mike) is the trouble maker and so call the devil in the school, but it seems that he has a kind heart and every girl seems to like him a lot in the show. I really like the way Jiang Meng going all the way out to be with his "sister", Qi Yue (Rainie Yang).

Devil Beside You [Eng Subs] (Complete)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Asia stunned as South Korean TV star and singer Park Yong-ha kills himself

Asia stunned as South Korean TV star and singer Park Yong-ha kills himself, me too...

Due to career pressures? He had to take care of his 62-year-old father who is suffering from terminal stomach cancer as well...

Yesterday, Park Yong-ha was found dead by her mother hanging from a cable of a cellular phone in his home at Seoul Nonhyundong at approximately )5:30 hrs

According to online reports, the actor massaged his father’s legs and then walked to his room at 0:40 am. He is reported to have said repeatedly “I am sorry” but no more details were given. Park had been taking sleeping pills due to insomnia.

Reported on

Reports also revealed that before his death, Park's last phone-call was to his good friend, Kim Jae-joong of popular boyband TVXQ.

"He sounded chirpy on the phone, I didn't feel like he acting out of sorts. We even promised to meet up when I'm back in Korea. I am shocked," said Kim.

Park Yon Ha funeral procession has been scheduled for July 2. My heart goes to his family. May his soul rest in peace.

Reported in The Australian

THE death of one of South Korea's top young stars has stunned millions of fans across Asia and left a nation once again bewailing its sky-high suicide rate.
Park Yong Ha was found dead at his home in Seoul yesterday, hanged by the slender cable of his mobile phone charger. Park, 33, who was midway through a singing tour of Asia, was among a small cadre of South Korean stars who dominate the domestic film and television scene.

No suicide note was found but the immediate cause of the actor's misery appears to have been the strain of caring for his terminally ill father.

His death is the latest in a series of young celebrity suicides that began with the death of Lee Eun Joo, the film star, in 2005.

Three years later Choi Jin Sil, widely regarded as the country's most accomplished actress, took her own life. This year Jin Young, her actor brother, committed suicide.

Suicide rates in South Korea are exceptionally high. Health Ministry figures suggest that the national rate is 24 suicides for every 100,000 people.

Park Yong-ha began his acting career in the late ’90s, starring in popular Korean TV dramas. More recently, he starred in 2002’s Winter Sonata and 2009’s A Man’s Story. Park was widely popular in Japan and released eight albums there. According to published reports, he was supposed to hold 12 concerts across Japan from July 2 to Aug. 22 and the tickets were sold out, according to Japanese record company Pony Canyon Inc.

News of Park’s suicide dominated headlines in Japan along with the country’s World Cup defeat to Paraguay.

His first concert in Japan, such a great singer!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Korean Drama: The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince

The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince

Rating: 9.0/10

The cast:

Yoon Eun Hye as Go Eun Chan
Gong Yoo as Choi Han Kyul
Lee Sun Gyun as Choi Han Sung
Chae Jung Ahn as Han Yoo Joo

About the Drama:

The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (커피프린스 1호점, or Coffee Prince) is a South Korean drama that began airing on July 2, 2007 in South Korea. This drama is based from a romantic comedy manga by writer Lee Sun Mi (이선미). Ever been mistaken as the opposite sex?

Eun-Chan (Yoon Eun-Hye) the main character, encounters this as part of her everyday life as she looks and acts the average male while working hard to support her family. After her father’s death it was up to her to drop out of school and work in order to earn a living.

From being a delivery “boy,” taekwondo instructor, and even peeling chestnuts, Eun-Chan’s done it all! Even though she lives the hard life, she couldn’t be more than happy supporting her family.

Over an unusual turn of events, Eun-Chan meets Choi Han-Kyul (Gong Yoo), who assumes Eun-Chan is a boy, and decides to team up with him and pretend to be his “boyfriend” in order to chase away the many women who want to be his future wife, and of course so Eun-Chan can earn money while doing it! While Eun-Chan doesn’t mind pretending to be a boy and letting Han-Kyul assume what he wants about her sexual orientation, she slowly begins to develop feelings for him.

At the same time, Han-Kyul can’t seem to get Eun-Chan out of his mind which is driving him crazy! Han-Kyul is the most testosterone filled man there ever was, and yet he’s beginning to realize he likes Eun-Chan… This drama will beautifully portray the human characteristics of love, confusion, happiness, and self-identity as Han-Kyul fights with his own beliefs as he slowly falls in love with Eun-Chan. I really like Han-Kyul's character as he throws all his passion into following his heart and loving Eun-Chan. He was also very devoted and caring to Eun-Chan.


I always thought the name of the drama is only "Coffee Prince" turns out that it is actually "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince", no wonder the ending part they were talking about the 2nd shop, wonder if there will be a sequal to it.

Another commical korean drama by one of my favorite actress, Yoon Eun Hye. I borrowed from a friend but one of the disc was faulty, so went and bought my own instead.

The part whereby Han-Kyul can’t seem to get Eun-Chan out of his mind was totally hilarious. Since he keeps thinking that Eun-Chan is a guy and worst part of it falling in love with him. Gong Yoo is clearly a genius at his acting as he clearly showed his confusion and delima in the show. Well done!! The part when he discovers that Go Eun Chan is a woman is shown in a very smooth manner. Very interestingly scripted.

I would say that the character Han-Kyul is really dumb since he is the only one who does not know taht Eun-Chan is a girl actually.

The story doesn't concentrate on just these two people, but also on the other people who frequent Coffee Prince. These people are shown one by one in a natural way. The story isn't just about romance but about the natural conflicts of all the characters. Very nicely done.

Love the cast in the shop, they work together very nicely at the later part. Makes it feels that the shop is a very cozy place.

Coffee Prince [Eng Subs](Complete)