Friday, November 19, 2010

Korean Drama - Hong Gil-Dong

Hong Gil-Dong

Rating: 9.0/10

The Cast:

Kang Ji Hwan as Hong Gil Dong
Sung Yu Ri as Heo Yi Nok
Jang Geun Suk as Lee Chang Whee

About the Drama:

The main character Hong Gil-Dong is Minister Hong's son born of the maidservant Chun-Seom, during Sejong's reign in Joseon dynasty, in the capital Seoul. A local monk took him under his wing and taught him martial arts. Due to his illegitimate birth he carried the grudge of not being able to address his father and siblings. His family feared Gil-Dong's unique skills would be the root of calamity someday thus they hired assassins to get rid of Gil-Dong.

Upon escaping danger, Gil-Dong left to wander and became a bandit leader. Hong Gil Dong was inspired to fight for the injustice in this society that divided people into nobles and ordinary citizens whereby the former enjoyed all the privileges due solely to their birth. Gil-Dong schemed to seize treasures from Hae-In-Sa, and afterwards with the name Hwal-Bin-Dang (army saving the poor), with skills and Taoist magic, he seized fortunes from the corrupt officials all over the country and gave them to the poor people, but did not take a penny from the common citizens.

The heroine, Heo Yi Nok, had just returned to Korea from China with her grandfather. They made their living by putting on shows and selling their special brand of medicine in the marketplace.

Lee Chang Whee had been told since he was young that he was the rightful heir to the throne which had been usurped by his half brother. He had also returned from his exile in China and was plotting to overthrow the emperor.

The three got entangled in love, hate, loyalty and betrayal and only one side can win. As the question of rightful succession comes into play, Hong Gil Dong and Yi Nok are forced to take sides.

Comments(spoiler ahead):

I always thought that this person "Hong Gil-Dong" is a real historical person. However, "Hong Gil-Dong" is based on a fictional book about a Robin Hood in Korea. In this drama, the plot twists are great and there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Kang Ji Hwan is such a great actor, he is so commical in the show and totally convincing when his heart-wrenching emotions whirls you into believing in how Hong Gil Dong, the Bum turned into Hong Gil Dong, the Hero.

For those who'd watched "You're Beautiful", you should still remember Jang Geun Suk from "You're Beautiful" (this show's shown after Hong Gil-Dong), he's totally cool here as well!! Even though his acting is not as good, some even commented that if he did not "talk to himself" in the show, we won't even know that he is starting to like Yi Nok. LOL....Nevertheless, he successfully pulled off playing the fallen prince who was passionately in love with Yi Nok.

The supporting cast was excellent. The people you were suppose to hate, you hated and wanted to scream at them...LOL...

This drama is so funny and emotional. After laughing through a good part of the 23 episodes, the 24th left me with such a heavy heart. The last few episodes were an emotional rollercoaster, ending is a bit disappointing.

Ending even though as mentioned a bit disappointing, it is the most realistic. Who else should be able to defeat Hwal Bin Dang but the now King Lee Chang Hwee? He knows Gil Dong and how his group operates, and he knows their hideout fairly well.

This is a case of losing the battle but winning the war. Gil Dong died but his legacy continues. And Chang Hwee may have won the battle and killed him but he knew he was defeated in a greater sense. He lost Yi Nok forever...

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