Saturday, December 18, 2010

Taiwan Drama - Momo Love

Momo Love / 桃花小妹

Rating: 8.9/10

The Cast:

Jiro Wang as Shi Lang 史朗
Cyndi Wang as Chen Tao Hua 陳桃花
Ken Zhu as Chen Qi 陳起
Lan Jun Tian as Chen Cheng 陳承
Ding Chun Cheng as Chen Zhuan 陳轉
Godfrey Gao as Chen He 陳合
Jing Wong as Chen Yu Yi 陳餘一
Calvin Chen as Xue Zhi Qiang 薛志強
Wang Xin Ru as Shi Xue (Shi Lang's Cousin Sister) 史雪
Li Jia Ying as Gong Hui Qi (Shi Lang's Childhood friend) 龔蕙琪
He Mi (禾宓) as Xiao Mi 小米

About the Drama:

Momo Love is adapted from Japan’s best selling manga Momoka Typhoon. The plot is about Tao Hua who has been pampered and loved by 4 of her brothers almost to the extend of sister brotherly love.

Tao Hua is the youngest, and only girl, in a family of six children. Her four elder brothers are afraid that their place in Tao Hua's heart will be diminished if she is to fall in love, hence the four brothers had set stringent guidelines as to whom she can date. Or rather never allow anyone to date her. They will "deal" with her suitors with the most horrible manner.

The brothers force the 5th brother, Tian Zhong Yu Yi to look after and take care of Tao Hua and he even have to risk his life to protect her. Yu Yi is like Tao Hua's best friend and also forms an alliance with her.

Shi Lang has recently moved into Tao Hua's area and attends a school nearby with high academic standards. Shi Lang and Tao Hua meet on a rainy day, during which Tao Hua falls in love with him after he gives her his umbrella. She thinks that he has a big heart. Until Shi Lang comes into the picture, no guy has passed all of the guidelines set by the brothers.

Despite Shi Lang's clean track record, the brothers are still unwilling to let go of their sister. They resort to getting their youngest brother, Yu Yi, to stay in high school an additional year in order to protect Tao Hua.

The brothers were so desperate that they even "hired" Xue Zhi Qiang to distract Tao Hua from Shi Lang without realising that Zhi Qiang is actually interested with Tao Hua.

The course of Tao Hua's love life is not only hindered by her brothers, but she has to compete for Shi Lang's affections with Gong Hui Qi, who is Shi Lang's childhood friend. Who of cos had returned to Taiwan because of Shi Lang and she hold a torch for him.

The two main conflicts of the story consist of Tao Hua's struggle to prove that she can be independent as well as whether or not Shi Lang actually likes Tao Hua.


This is a very heart warming comedy where you see the brothers of Tao Hua trying to protect their sister with extremely exagerated manners.

The funny parts are how the brothers find ways to hinder her love life, but after watching a few episodes of such things it solwly becomes very boring.

I really can't stand when I see them bullying the 5th brother. Especially when they took his room and made it into a walk in wardrobe for Tao Hua.

Cyndi Wang is such a amateur actress, but she can easily cover that up with her cute looks =) Shes so so cute! Love her!

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